I have a tendency to make up excuses.

I have a tendency to close up when feeling emotionally distressed.

I have a tendency to feel like a burden to others when I need to talk.

I have a tendency to speak without thinking.

I have a tendency to allow my emotions to get the better of me.

I have a tendency of closing up and being distant from others.

I have a tendency to react negatively when in a negative state.

I have a tendency to overlook others concerns and emotions when I am not well.

I have a tendency to forget.

I have a tendency  of wanting to be mindful, but never being that.

I have a tendency of crying alone because I don’t want to burden others.

I have a tendency of feeling like a burden when I need others who are going through things themselves.

I have a tendency of blaming the world for problems I cant control.

I have a tendency of feeling overwhelmed.

I have a tendency of falling into depression often.

I have a tendency of having suicidal thoughts.

I have a tendency of believing the world is better off without someone like me.

I have a tendency to being toxic to myself and to those around me.

I want and need to change these tendencies and become a better human.

I want and need to change these tendencies and become passionate about life again.

I want and need to change being the toxic person I have become.

I want and need to move past all the pain and hurt that caused me to become this way.



Image: Fckg Bad Kid

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